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easy to UO barefoot, then Hendricks + amazon

September 13, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: PERFECT. Like 70, sun, dry, good air

Saw three patients, then treated CA, before this run. Already my heels were better than the day before, simply from running TALLER.

Today I took another step and really honed the "FLICK & PULL": that's pawback, but with a flicking-forward of the leg before contact. Gosh darn it...that's the OLDEST cue I've used (dating back to 2010), yet it's still the best for its ability to:

- get the leg extended (and keep the ankle and knee "tall")
- PULLING it beneath and behind

But there was one other thing: watching the videos from the track session, I noticed that my "Center of Propulsion" was too far forward. Not only was I over-reaching, but I was under-extending!

So today's focus:

1. Tall & forward (body postre)

#3 is about finishing the hip extension behind, THEN doing the "high butt recovery", which has a way of really cementing that full hip extension.

FUCK, c'mon, why haven't I been doing this? Just this spring I IG posted about how "I'm the fastest when I can find that last 20% of hip extension". Based on the videos...and my shitty-ass workouts, I've clearly lost that.

Ran with CA to UO, where we did about 2.5 miles of barefoot (for me, a good 75% was actually track surface), then continued on to PRE's rock, then back via Fairmount. CA's stride is looking really great.

I felt pretty tired and haggard, but I kept on, adding two miles. Ran into my old coaching client Ilisa, who looked really good.

Rest of the day:
- "breakfast"
- nap!
- two PM clients
- beer with Alie, my old EPT office manager. She's great (and helping me with a piece of paperwork for my accreditation)

Ran in OLD N1 roads...which is probably why I felt crappy, in general.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles