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Honey Bunches of Oatlands

September 16, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Oatlands today. I was in the JV upperclassmen race which was second which I think is the ideal race. Warmups felt a little rushed and we didn't have time for striders, but we got to the line on time and ready for the race. I ran the first mile pretty much with Ellie and Hailey which was super great. We were all consciously trying to keep the first mile slower together, but everyone goes out so fast that I still like an 8:20 first mile I think. I did feel like I was holding myself back and not working that hard that mile though, which was nice, and I enjoyed the little snipers of encouragement that we said to each other, but means I have to work even more on pacing. The next two miles I let myself pull away from them a bit, and really tried to focus on the uphills and let myself go on the downhills. I didn't feel great in the woods after the creek because my calves were extremely tight and I was tired, but I pulled myself together for The Hill and got up it, but really had nothing left for a kick. Definitely will improve some strategy once I start remembering how to race, but I'm pretty happy with my focus at this meet. Not quite as pleased with my time which is 4 seconds slower than my frosh time here, but I'm just trying to tell myself that it was really hot, and I'm only gonna get faster this season with all the workouts. Also, nice to hear from Anthony that he wanted us to be slow, though I'm wondering if what he's calling coaching is code for sabotage. ;) JK I trust him with my running and beyond!

Despite the race that could (and will) improve, I love Oatlands, and just spending the day there was so much fun! I think it's just such a magical, beautiful setting for a meet, and I'm just feeling really blessed that my body and especially shins are staying healthy enough that I'm able to spend my Saturdays with people I love in places I love doing something I love. There were so many races that were so inspiring, and I'm just awed everyday by the work that each and every one of the members of this team puts into this sport. It's really beautiful. Special shoutout to Jessica because I saw this really amazing moment of her getting to the last hill looking understandably tired and defeated, but when she heard us all cheering, she refocused and really pushed the hill, and passed a girl on it, and just looked so strong and controlled for a new GDS runner. Very proud! This is now rambling, but also, so nice to see Leah at this meet!!!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.61 Miles 51:58
1.5 Miles 18:00 11:59 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 28:58 9:19 / Mile    
5:00 Cooldown