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Will You be my Boyfriend, God

September 20, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Long run with Hailey, Lucia, and Eva! Great company and really enjoyed the first 2/3rds of the run, and then really started feeling it. It was the second longest run I've ever done, both time and distance wise, and while it took a good bit longer than I was expecting, I'm really proud that I was able to finish it. It's runs like these that test my training when I'm really proud of myself that I ran on my own all through late July and August. It's definitely paying off, and I'm so excited to see what I can do the rest of the season. My shins honestly didn't hurt AT ALL the entire run which makes me SOOOOO happy. My knees hurt some, but that was just because of the length. So happy that Eva ran with us because I definitely would have taken many more breaks without her! Also, I caught my first leaf on the CCT!!!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.8 Miles 1:13:33 10:48 / Mile Long