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3x DeFazio-Autzen 5k

September 28, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

No AM patient today, so we slept in 'til about 7:45, then drank coffee and did a bit of Callie's "the morning routine". Around 9:30 we got out for the run.

The plan was to repeat two weeks ago: CA to do a 5K tempo, and for me to continue and do two more on my own.

I ran to Hertz, meeting CA there after she dropped off her work car, then we ran to EWEB. I got in a total of 4 miles warm-up and was feeling pretty good. Like last week, it was pretty HOT: mid 70s with some humidity for sure, even though it was only 10AM. Also per last week, I also brought some sugar: a packet of GU Roctane in a 20oz bottle, which I filled at the plaza and stashed in a bush.

After 4 strides, we were off. CA looked and sounded a lot stronger than 2 weeks ago, and we hit 6:3x the entire way...despite her having some sort of R side stitch and some left pelvis symptoms. Dang. Pretty sure it was because she's stiffened up in the R hip again. She asked me to work on it this AM, but we forgot. Crap.

I ran a bit toward home with her, then circled around, pounded some Roctane, then went after it.

I felt really good in the first 5K, and simply went by feel. Didn't check any splits.

Form focus today:

- Tall & Forward
- FLICK & pull
- "Salazar Stride" (high heel)
- Pelvis L
- strong feet ("Churn!")

I figured out why the FLICK is so important: it "sets" the hip (pelvis) into elongation BEFORE you land: that helps the hip be more stable upon landing (which makes everything better). Really focused on that.

Worked hard to keep breathing under control (4-4 rhythm), but I lost it a few times. Hit the 5K, went to the fountain to douse my head, then repeated: Roctane, jog, and back. Did some foot and hip exercises before the last 5K, as well.

During that recovery, I also realized how key it is to reach LONGER with the LEFT leg: not only does that FLICK set the left hip to be strong (and not "clunk" upon landing) but that also "finishes" the RIGHT hip extension! SO that was a new focus on the 3rd 5K.

Same diff, though the breathing was more difficult to control. Really opened up the hips on each [annoying] grunt roller, then "Salazar'd" over the top. For some reason, I almost felt BETTER on this loop, but it was still hard. Lost the breathing in the last half-mile, including the steep uphill on the DeFazio bridge.

Hit the final 5K feeling really good.

Really happy with this workout. Looking back at the last time I'd truly done these was early May of '13. While I've done other faster tempos, I did them in 18:17 and 17:59.

Today: 20:08, 18:26, 18:17

Pretty outstanding.

LONG cool-down, through campus and Fairmount, back to the house -- Koop (& CTS)-style. Ugh. So bad but so good (nearly 5 miles).

Rest of the day:
- hustled home, ate and met our friend Katherine, who is a pro video editor, to work on an intro video for my Running Stride Analysis! LONG overdue! Exciting!
- 5PM patient
- met a new PT in town, Jesse, who's working at EPT (from MN-WI, also a runner)


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
19.52 Miles 56:51
4.0 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 20:08 6:28 / Mile    
0.75 Miles    
5.0 Kilometers 18:26 5:55 / Mile    
0.75 Miles    
5.0 Kilometers 18:17 5:53 / Mile    
4.7 Miles Cooldown