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First AU Workout

September 26, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Finally, after preparing myself for AU workouts every time there's a workout and being sad when we're doing hills or tempos or other things, we actually went to AU! Was supposed to do 10 400s, but only did 8 because of various aches and pains. The first few were pretty rough, but I felt good for the last couple. I was also fairly consistent, and it makes me happy that I'm improving at pacing things (all were between 1:42 and 1:50 I think). There was one in the middle where for the last 100 meters, Hailey and Camilla and I were right next to each other sprinting and it felt like we were in sync in the most amazing way. It's hard to explain, but I just felt really strong and powerful and joyful in that 25 seconds with teammates. Everyone looked so strong, and I love AU workouts because we get to cheer for each other so much. Ran back with Jenna after which was fun.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.33 Miles 34:00
1.3 Miles 15:00 11:32 / Mile Warmup  
3200.0 Meters Speed  
1200.0 Meters Recovery  
1.3 Miles 19:00 14:36 / Mile Cooldown