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Say No to Snow

October 6, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Really nice run to the firehouse and back with Lucia, Alyssa, and Hailey and Mia for some of it. Had such a nice conversation with Lucia about so many different things that I meant to only run 25 minutes because I had to leave 10 minutes early to go babysit (which got canceled anyway), but ended up going the whole way. Oops. Kept it slow though and felt pretty good, so hope it doesn't negatively affect the race tomorrow. Didn't have time for striders because I had to get home in time to not babysit, but my shins were feeling a little twinge-y so that's probably not the worst thing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.72 Miles 37:30 10:04 / Mile