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Grind mile + 300-200-100-100

October 13, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: sunny but cool and breezy


- two AM patients in the rain
- then drove to P.Hill and had a really good "track meeting" with Randy. Got on the same page on some things, and worked on the schedule (hopefully Oregon Relays this year!)
- back to town...and to the JEWELER! Took my mom's ring to get cleaned and adjusted. Basically it's a ring with a few little diamonds then a big mount -- devoid of stone, since she gave that to my sister. They're going to take off that mount and smooth it, and I think I'll give her that, initially, and go from there (and see, after the fact, what she wants). EASY, and a relief!
- back to work for a 12:30 patient
- run

I was due for a bit of uptempo intensity. I did some mobility and strength but AGAIN forgot to roll the calves! Ran about two miles warm-up, then drills-strides, then a bark grind mile.

I felt good & strong, and fast. Worked on:

- Tall (arch) & forward (hinge)
- knees out

I was disapointed that I only ran 5:52. The trail was wet, but not too soft. Shows I'm still tired.

From there, I ran to the track and did 300, 200, and 100x2. I thought I'd do two sets of 3-2-1, but my right calf was iffy...and I didn't want to chance it. Didn't look at splits til now:


OK. I knew I wasn't flying (or pushing that hard), so that's fine. Short cool-down back to work.


- hustled to my PT appointment. I haven't been treated by Mike (or any PT) in closing on 3 years! It was time. He helped work through some "stride imbalance" crap, and did a really good job. He really nailed it and said, "You have to work on core in EXTENSION". Agree 1000%
- Back to EUG to lift weights. REALLY worked on that extension principle, including upward cable lifts in rotation-ext, ground work (arm-leg reaches) and a lot of stuff including scaps and arms.
- quick home to shower, then back to P.Hill to watch the homecoming football game. Helped Thornton in the score box run the game clock. Boring but "good".
- beers after

Busy but GOOD day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles   PI N1 Road - Blue (V1 - fall '17)