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Happy Birthday, Matt!

October 14, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Third Third Battle today! Such a wonderful day! Only 4 people in the JV upperclassmen girls race (Jenna, Ilana, Ana (because she was sick (!)), and me. Like yesterday, my shins were bugging me today, but I didn't feel them that much during the actual race. Made myself go out hard which I don't usually do, but I held on much better than I thought. I got a bit boxed in for a while in the woods, but stuck no more than 10 feet behind Jenna, and 15-20 behind Ilana for that section. I think the hardest part of the race for me was for some reason between the mile and 2k marker. I don't know why, but that seemed really long even though I know it wasn't. I passed Jenna just after the mile, and kept Ilana in sight the rest of the race. Came through the first mile in 7:33 which is a really fast first mile for me. I think I stayed as focused as possible in the lonely back loopy section, and second mile was somewhere around 8:15 I think, not quite sure. Obviously slowed down a lot, but I knew I would have to if I pushed the first mile that much. I don't regret it though. Third mile honestly felt pretty fast and I tried to "enjoy the lonely section and remember why I run" -Ethan. Since at Salesianum, I was able to pass five people in the last half mile, I worked on doing the same and moving towards Ilana who was probably 50 feet ahead at this point. I think I only was able to pass two or three, but it definitely got me 10 extra seconds at least. The last 600 meters was hard because it feels like a really long kick for a non-sprinter like myself, but I did my best. Finished in 24:53 with a 40 second PR, the first one since Derwood freshman year!!! I was so happy and burst into tears at the finish line!

I ran today for my grandfather whose cancer relapsed for the third time a week ago. Whenever I was in pain during the race, I thought about how hard he's fought the last few years, and told myself that if he's been strong enough to get this far, I could fight in my own way for something I love for just 25 minutes. It worked.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.61 Miles 50:53
1.5 Miles 14:00 9:19 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 24:53 8:00 / Mile Race  
8:00 Cooldown