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Easy run +150s with AMBER

October 14, 2009 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 50s/low 60s, decent

Met Amber for an evening run at South.

Today was (another) D-Day: following my proclamation, and following her announcement that she was "moving in about a month OR SO", I decided I'd throw down and write "the whole story" in a letter -- a real, handwritten letter -- and give it to her, before she goes to check out Gwelph, and before I head for Seattle.

I didn't get to South til 545, but she was still there. Had a nice warm-up, BSing. I've learned a couple nice random loops running with her, that I just may have to name in "memorial" if she does leave.

Back at the track it was time for 150s. We'd just seen a OTC runner in the clinic earlier today and I was "a little hot" about elite runners and how they deal with injuries. Before she began I asked how her back was doing, and she said, "Oh, it's OK". BS.

After a couple 150s, where her pelvic stability goes to hell, I decided I'd give some "feedback" -- shit she's already heard (and that we'd talked about before, but not while running). I was mid-sentence on the recovery jog when she said, "Yeah, I can't listen to you right now" or some shit. That got me fired up pretty if this workout was SOOO IMPORTANT (junk 150s in October, when you're not racing 'til March) and/OR the idea that I don't know what I'm talking about. I took out a little frustration by burning the next 150 with her (and she's pretty damn fast -- shitty form or not).

So when she got done, the following convo transpired:

Me: "You finished?"
Amber: "Yeah"
Me: "You should try one more where you-"
Amber: "OK, COACH"

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Wow did THAT get me fired up. PISSED THE F OFF. Wow. And I WENT AFTER HER: basically stating in plain terms that (A) her form falls apart when she runs fast, (B) that's CAUSING her back pain and making her slow, and then (C), the big guns: that if she doesn't GET HEALTHY, it doesn't matter where she goes, she's not gonna run to her full potential.

She didn't really like to hear any of that stuff.

But I persisted. She said, "My back's not bad", to which I countered, "You can't even do a leg extension or ab work without having pain so bad you can't SLEEP at night!"

We went back and forth -- her sitting at the start line of the track -- with little football player kids and parents here and there, around for practice -- and me standing beside her as she laced up her trainers. I said, "Look, you're toughminded and stubborn, which are the qualities that make you a good runner-"

Interrupted again: "I'm GOOD because I work hard!"**

(**the classic elite runner line -- total denial of talent)

I added: "If you go to Canada and get hurt, people are going to say, 'Oh, Amber got hurt because she can't handle the workload', but that's PURE BS. If you don't accomplish your goals, it's NOT because you can't do it, it's because your mechanics aren't as good as they could be!"

Tension was broken when this little kid -- maybe 4 -- came out of nowhere and "asked us" if he could run a lap on the track. So now we've got this little dude SPRINTING in lane 9. Pretty awesome. He kept it up for a good 150 before doubling over, but he started up again...

We walked to the car. And I retreated a bit, but persisted, reiterating that she needs to get her shit together to achieve her potential. THEN, as a segway to "the letter" -- along which I included a flyer with info on my boss -- I talked to her again about seeing Jeff. More arguments ("they've got good docs in Canada").

I said this at least three times: "If I didn't CARE, I wouldn't say anything, but I DO." That seemed to put out the flames a bit.

We chatted a bit more at her car, then before we parted ways, I went to my car to grab the letter -- FIVE PAGES, handwritten -- within an envelope and slapped it on her hood. "Here's some info on Jeff...and a 'good luck note' for your trip". That made her smile a bit. :)

Finally, as we were about to part ways, I went in for a hug. I apologized for yelling and said, "Have a good trip". A quick, half-assed hug but it still felt great.

And then I peeled out of there -- as if she could tear into that envelope and possibly read the entire letter in that moment's time for me to exit the lot.

Odd as it may seem, if that's the last time I ever see her, that wasn't bad. MORE HONESTY. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have said anything. And if all I was trying to do was "make her like me", I certainly wouldn't have had a massive argument in the middle of the track. But fuck it, I DO care. And I hope she realizes it.

She should. Especially if she reads that letter.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles