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Yachats River Road Bike; PROPOSAL

November 18, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 40s, brisk

Slept in fairly well, then went for coffee (and croissants!) before going for a bike ride.

After PT yesterday, I figured I'd rest this weekend from running. It's pretty clear my ankle pain is a lot more muscle-tendon than I realized!

Around 10ish, we biked. It was brisk, but we bundled. Thankfully it was dry!

Easy, rolling ride on the river road. It surprised me how damn rolling this was, and impressed me even more about my "marathon" there! Rode to the little park at the base of the big climb, stopped to pee, then came back. Very pretty.

Rest of the day:
- snuck into Adobe for strength and sauna (and SOAK)
- back to clean up
- to Overleaf to work -- and put an offer on a house!

THE PROPOSAL: mid-day, I asked CA if she "wanted to do a happy hour up on Cape Perpetua lookout" and she agreed. Around 4PM, we had to go. It was sunny and nice, but the sun was setting.

We stopped at the grocery for a Crux bottle of good beer, then headed to the overlook - the highest point (600'?) of the actual Oregon coast.

BEAUTIFUL evening, and the ocean was like glass, nearly!

Walked out to the rock shelter overlook. There were some folks milling around. We set down the beers on the rock wall facing the ocean. As she was cracking the first one, I asked her to wait and "look at something".

I took from my coin pocket the little "S-Cap pouch" that contained the ring, inside a yellow post-it note: the same set-up as I'd run with, at Rio. She fingered it, and lit up.

So as she opened it and saw the ring, I got down on a knee and asked, "Callie Alice, would you be my forever teammate?"

She said yes, and we hugged. I actually forgot to actually put the ring on her finger. She did that. She was happy and crying and shaking! It was pretty great.

We cheers'd the beers, then sat in the shelter, and watched the sunset. It was OUT. STANDING.

PM: to the brewpub for dinner, then a nightcap beer at The Underground.

GOOD. DAY. :-)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1:05:00   PI N1 Road - Blue (V1 - fall '17)