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Districts Race Reflection

October 23, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: chilly and rain sprinkles

Warning: This will super long. Sorry.

Goals: beat 21:30 (+), keep up with Becca for some of the race (+), not get passed at the end (-), stay on varsity (+)

Gun goes off: So I knew that this would be my race. I knew that I had to push myself harder than I have before if I wanted to stay on varsity.

Mile 1: I got up behind Becca. (And oh man, I couldn't have ran this race without her. She was the nicest team mate in the whole world. The whole race she just encouraged me and pushed me even when I didn't want to be pushed.) I felt great.

Mile 2: I remember everything felt fine, but of course I was getting tired. Becca and I kept passing this girl then she'd pass us and so on. I was totally in the zone. Really the only person I listened to the whole race was Becca. I repeated lyrics in my head and the word fight echoed through my mind.

Mile 3: I was feeling strong for awhile. But then I started to doubt myself. But I didn't slow down, because I was supposed to push myself this race. When we got to the sand, Rusty was like, "Go, Becca! You HAVE to beat the green girl!" And so she went, and I stayed at the same pace. But it's okay. And I'm so happy Becca broke her freshman PR!

Last 200ish: My mind was thinking sprint. My body told me no. We argued for awhile before two girls passed me that we'd been battling the whole race. I felt really discouraged, and like I was lettig Rusty down. I thought I was too tired.

But then I heard, "GO SAVANNAH!" and everything changed. I felt my body shift into this blood thirsty maniac. And I just KICKED in, because I didn't want her to beat me on the last part of the race.

I let myself sprint like hell. I ran to show up my old out of shape body that died on those hills at camp. I ran to keep the precious uniform I've FOUGHT to keep all season. I ran to tell any doubts in any race that I've ever felt to suck it. I ran for the spaghetti feeds and ice baths, Monday meetings and my new spikes. I ran to PR, and to kick last season in the face. I ran to make everything worth it. And I did it all the way across the line.

Then I dry heaved a few times before I finally puked. It was a little embarrassing but I'm proud of myself for pushing my body hard enough to puke a little. Wait until you guys see me at state, I'm gonna be puking gallons from working so hard! :)

The most important part of my whole race, FIGHT (and then I'll shut up):
Well on those little note card things Kara was talking about how I taught her to fight for what she wanted. And the word fight just totally stood out to me. Last night I kept repeating the word. Because that's what I have been doing all season. Fighting to keep a spot, fighting to prove to myself that I have way more strength than I did last year, fighting for this or that. And I realized that I LOVE IT. I love fighting for something. It just totally inspired me to fight even harder.

When I was feeling tired, I thought, "Fight." When I started coughing and my nose started running, I thought, "Fight." When I started to doubt if I could keep up with Becca, or if I was going to beat 21:30, I thought, "Fight." And when I heard somebody yell, "Go Savannah!" on the last 200, I thought, "FIGHT!" I thought, "Fight." the whole race, and it worked. I won the fight. I won the whole season's fight. And now I get the opportunity to fight even harder at state.

Thanks team and coaches for an absolutely amazing season! You guys are all the best! :)And I'm so proud of everyone, I can't even list names because the list is so long, because you all did amazing today!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.1 Miles 21:06 6:48 / Mile