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Winter Wonderland

January 4, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

We weren't allowed outside so we did a rotation between three stations: strength, tours, and stairs. I was on strength first and opted for the weight room. Did 2 sets of Leah's A day. Then tours. Meandered around the building with Anthony and our group, which was kind of fun. I strode out maybe five or six times on the second floor hallway, with Anthony beside me on three or four of them. Tried to pick up the pace all around on that section of the tours and it turned into a fartleck-like workout. On the stairs we did alternating feet, both feet on each stair, and then skip two in a lunge-like form. I got through three sets of that. Timed most of it, and the mileage I got is probably a little under since we were inside the entire time. Hopefully I made the most of it and that we can go outside tomorrow. Each station was about 20 minutes.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.77 Miles 37:00 9:48 / Mile   Topo Athletic Magnifly