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Lorane - Bailey ride

January 22, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 50s, sunny!

Post-TBC, we drove home, met with a friend of Callie's for catering ideas, then I hustled home to bike.

Solid ride, a little grind-y, and tougher to nose breathe (gotta trim the 'hairs!).

- 3hr "activity bus training" at PHill!
- home to eat
- work (x2 clients)
- yoga
- T&G beers: Brent Adler was at yoga, so he joined us, along with Brooke Taylor. I had a good chat with Danny Mercado (working at T&G). He's strugging. I offered to have him come coach with us. Hope he does.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
56:00   PI N1 Road - Blue (V1 - fall '17)