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The Festival

April 7, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran the mile at the not-really-a-meet at St. Albans. Was kinda hard to motivate with so few people there and such cold weather, but maybe a little fun to be a small group??? Everybody started off so fast, and I tried to just start in the back like I usually do, but when I passed Anthony after 150 meters, he told me to run my own race, so I dropped back and paced it correctly. Not exactly sure of the splits, but I think they were pretty even. Couldn't breathe well because of the cold, but felt in control and confidant of my pacing. Sucked to run the whole race alone though, but Hailey wasn't too far ahead, so I kept my eyes on her. Not a great time by any means, but honestly didn't really mind. I'm not in shape yet, and I'm just being a bit more chill about times this season. My hip felt fine, but my shins hurt a bit, They haven't bothered me for a while, but my body likes to keep me on my toes.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.99 Miles 7:20
1200.0 Meters Warmup  
1600.0 Meters 7:20 7:22 / Mile Race  
400.0 Meters Cooldown