April 8, 2018 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 60, windy
Slept like ASS last night. Woke up due to poison oak itch and had trouble falling back asleep, then the fucking turkeys were GLUG-GLUG-GLUGing like crazy.
I was supposed to go run with CA and Alexis & Micah, but I had a feeling I was going to have a "Bad Day". I was correct. Felt like ass all day.
Spent wayyy too much time crafting my iRunFar article: a more thorough than intended missive on Western States training runs. Cool article, but...super long! Called home, then worked on the track weekly updates -- a double-week update.
CA got home, lifted, then cleaned up and hustled to the airport for an over-night inspection in New Mexico! Around 3 I finally got out for a run.
Felt...like ASS. Just run down, slow, stiff, crap. I turned back after a mile. So much for a run, let alone a long run.
I think I'm back to where I was 9 days ago: no WSER. More bad days than good this week, for sure.
On a positive note, the heel-achilles is improving. Gotta relax and use it!
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
2.0 Miles | PI N1 Road - Blue (V1 - fall '17) |