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The revolving door

May 30, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Jack came over for a run as he is still training for his time trial this weekend! Everyone should come out to St. Albans around 8 to cheer him on in the 3200! We ran along the canal for an easy run, with a long stretch afterwards. I felt good except for a little stitch near the end. My left knee was still bothering me even after almost a week off. It's not a feeling of pain, it's just super stiff compared to the other knee, which has prevented me from reaching certain speeds during races and especially during striders. I'll try to prioritize stability work on the bosu ball, for example, once I start training again. If that doesn't work, then maybe I'll have to get it checked out.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles 34:30 7:39 / Mile   Topo Athletic Fli-Lyte 2 (2nd Pair)