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out and back from RFHS

May 27, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 80s already; HOT

WILD night. Callie and I had half a beer each, but while watching "The Office" before bed, I had a bunch of chocolate (maybe the equivalent of 3/4 of a chololate bar).

Long & Short: I could not fall asleep until 4:30AM. For real.

I got super-wired. Not anxious, but just unable to sleep. Laid in bed for maybe 90min, but couldn't sleep. Also: I was super-itchy.

I finally realized, around 3:30 or so, that this is all *histamine-driven*:

* alcohol (even though not much)
* chocolate (major releaser of histamine)
* seasonal (tons of pollen in RF)

Lastly, I was trying NOT to take allegras.

Around 3:30 I tried to find Allegras in the house; couldn't find anything, so I drove to Kwik Trip and bought benadryl. Took two and by 4:30 I finally fell asleep!

Waking up was ROUGH: hungover from both the lack of sleep and the benadryl. Worse, I had a scheduled "coaching visit" with the daughter of one of my mom's BFF.

I nearly canceled. But instead I got it together: had some tea, bucked up and drove to the high school.

The session went remarkably well: super-nice kid (11 year old girl, going into 6th grade). She had a pretty naturally good stride, so we just worked on running drills! We practiced, and talked about what they do and how they're helpful.

After that, about an hour, I actually felt good enough to go on a short run.

Like OLD TYME sake: back in 2002-2004, when I HS coached at RFHS, I ran from the school. It's on the skirts of town, adjacent the UW campus farm and lands, and this really nice mile+long gravel road ("Hell's Highway"). I ran down that, did a little bike path loop around the intramural fields, then came back. Super-easy.

Ankles were OK, but it's pretty clear that they need stability (bracing, taping).

Good run.

Rest of the day:

* Matt Mitchell (WSER crew '11 and '13, and pacer-crew at Superior '16) came over for brunch, which was delicious. I was damn tired, so I was glad when he left at 1:30!
* NAPPED. Til like 4!
* Ran some errands for mom
* Went to Hudson for dinner with CA. Hudson is on the St. Croix river, bordering MN. Because of the weekend, there were tons of "boat people": mostly rich, but ALL gross and annoying, folks on boats coming into town.
* home to have a half-beer with my mom on the deck.

Not a terrible day, all things considered.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.5 Miles   PI Navy-Orange N2s