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Wild Tomato Fartleks

August 24, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Decided that a harder day would allow me to turn my brain off and not think during a run, which worked. Ran just as it was getting dark which was great, lots of interesting insect noises and even some baby deer! Route was out and back on MacArthur towards the Beltway. Did 4 fartleks: 4, 5, 6, and 7 minute pickups with 2 minute recovery in between. I randomized the order and did the 5 first, followed by 7, 6, and 4. Goal was to do all four at the same pace, which I set on the first one at around 6 minutes. Was decent about keeping that, although I sped up on the 4 at the end. I felt really slow, but my breathing was relaxed and the effort wasn't too hard. Just no leg speed and that's okay.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 48:44 6:57 / Mile   Topo Athletic Ultrafly 2