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Paul Short (First!!) 8k

September 29, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Went up to Lehigh for Paul Short. I've been sleeping and eating well, and feel like I've been getting in great training, but I was really nervous to run an 8k. The first couple miles flew by, and I was really in a rhythm. I felt like I could've been pushing faster then, but I knew there was a lot to go, so I stayed conservative and worked with the other goats around me. I think I ran the first 2 miles faster than I ran at the GDS alumni run. The past month of training has been incredible. The pack split up around 2.5 miles, but I hung on comfortably to some Gettysburg guys for the next mile or so. The fourth and fifth mile blurred together and I never really knew how much was left after I saw Late Night at around the 3. I lost a bit of focus after a nice surge, thinking that there was less to go than there actually was. I didn't have quite a strong kick, but I definitely sped up when I saw Tom at the last curve before the finish and he shouted "300 to go, you can break 30 here if you push it" and so I pushed it and barely broke 30. I'm super happy with this race because I didn't expect to break 30 this year and I'm feeling great about the training I've done and where I can go this season. The course was also super muddy, which left time about 40 seconds slower than last year's on average. It's hard to know how that would have affected me, but it doesn't really matter because this is the first 8k I've raced anyways.

It was super fun being out at a gigantic Oatlands-esque meet with so many runners and so many teams--and I was super happy to get to see some Hoppers in the process! It was also awesome getting to watch our top guys race, finishing tenth as a team in the "gold" race, even with some guys feeling like they didn't race their best. Everyone was super supportive and I had a really awesome time today. Can't wait for our next meet in 2 weeks.

Run good to all of the Hoppers racing today, and good for you if you made it this far in my rambling log!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.47 Miles 29:54
2.5 Miles Warmup Topo Athletic Ultrafly 2
8.0 Kilometers 29:54 6:00 / Mile Race  
4.0 Miles Cooldown Topo Athletic Ultrafly 2