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The good, the bad, and the ugly

November 15, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

At least two inches of snow today. Can't say I'm the biggest fan of that, but I did love running in it later on with Woodhouse, Dice, and Amos. Amos, who is from California and has never really seen snow before, was basically a giddy 7 year old for the entire run and it was amazing. At one point running through campus, we joined in a snowball fight that was occurring between what looked like the women's soccer and field hockey teams. We then ran around this gated community and then through Bryn Mawr's campus and the Shipley School. Both looked so beautiful in the snow. We ran through the cemetery on the way back at the church and Dice started whistling and I didn't know it was him at first and it scared the shit out of me. By the end of the run, my face was tomato red (like more than my normal tomatoness, imagine that!) and my hair (including the disgusting mustache I've grown for nationals) were completely frozen.

Was such a fun run, especially because of the snow and the company, and I can't wait for tomorrow's 6am run before heading off on the first leg of our road trip to nationals. First stop: Chicago. Didn't have time for strength after the run, but I got a quick stretch in at least.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles   Brooks Glycerin 16