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Thankful for running: A Thanksgiving Poem

November 22, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

The cold wind nips at my ears as I trudge up the first hill
I am acutely aware of every centimeter of my body

I look at my watch; It's only been three minutes
At the beginning, three minutes feels like three hours,
But by the end, three minutes passes in mere seconds

I run alone, nobody is beside me, but thoughts fill my head
No thought breaks through though--only a chatter of of voices trying to take control of my mind
Even though I am alone, everyone that I've ever run with is there with me

And I am thankful for them
Because it is them, not the constant patter of my steps, that keeps me running

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.5 Miles   Brooks Glycerin 16