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5 co. plus Road Loop

November 28, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

With Woodhouse, Whamz, Lady Bird, Connor, Simon, Steve. Whamz had been hyping up 5 co. for a while and I convinced myself I was excited for it, but I remembered how much I dislike it when we came back on Lancaster. Really that part just sucks, but the parts through Bryn Mawr and Rosemont are beautiful. It was good company and a fun run, despite the darkness. A 100 pushup per day challenge is sweeping the team, and I may start that tomorrow. Everyone is trying to figure out how to do it the most efficiently, so I might try doing 4 x 25 once when I wake up, two after running, and one before bed. We'll see.

Strength afterwards: pushups, plank, clams with band, straight leg raises on side with band.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles   Brooks Glycerin 16