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The frosh pound a Nova

December 6, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Did a Nova with Rod, Jamie, Pete, Colin, and Nico. I'd never done the route before and I generally enjoyed it. Once we were actually at Nova, there was an amazing hot dog smell by their basketball arena and I really wanted to stop for some mmmmmm. It was cool doing a just freshmen run since I don't think that's happened in a while (still missing Amos, Scott, Jeff, and Max). It's been really great though because so far I feel like I've really run with everyone on the team at least a few times, even the top guys. Had a really nice chat with Late Night afterwards about the mile on Saturday. I'm feeling a lot better about it now, but still nervous.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles   Brooks Glycerin 16