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The RIGHT way to run Meredith Alexander

December 18, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran from school to Anthony's to Isabel's, then did a run with them... It was super nice. Easy pace, but company was great. Then I hung around with Anthony doing various things until practice where we ran Meredith Alexander in the better direction. Mostly talked with Jeff on the run and it was great to catch up with him about various things. 6 strides afterwards.

I really want to run with company as much as possible this break, especially this week before I'm out of town for a week. So the runs were a bit broken up today, but this week is all about mileage and strides, which I did both of, and feel good.

Strength: single leg bridges, pushups (I did one set of 30 and one set of 20, have yet to break up my remaining 50--may do them all at once).

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.0 Miles   Brooks Glycerin 16