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Views: Lower Manhattan Loop

December 26, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I'm enjoying using google map pedometer to come up with 8 mile loops while traveling. In NYC now, and made a loop that goes out from my grandparents' apartment which is next to the Williamsburg Bridge on the Lower East Side, then cut up the park to Houston which I took all the way across lower Manhattan. Then down the West Side Esplanade, looping at Battery Park City, coming up the East Side Esplanade.

This was such a beautiful run. I love running through the city on the Houston st. part, but then the views from the West Side Esplanade and Battery Park are phenomenal. Great view of Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty (which had a line for the boat that was maybe half a mile long), and the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Williamsburg bridges on the way back up.

If you couldn't tell, I enjoyed this run a lot. I felt pretty good on it too which was an added bonus. I love running in the city. Looking forward to a few more. Note to self to go long one of the next couple of days.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles   Brooks Glycerin 16