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Long with Jeff

January 3, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Drew up a 3.25 mile route to Jeff's (he only lives less than a mile away if I go straight there). We then ran through my neighborhood, down to the canal, and turned back on the CCT at Fletcher's. Then I ran home the way I came. Felt crummy for most of the run, probably because I was super hungry and also wasn't feeling great last night and didn't eat much for dinner. I feel better now, but I definitely felt mt depleted energy at the end. That would happen in a long run like this anyways though so I don't know. At least I am feeling better. This was my longest run ever! Enjoyed the company.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.2 Miles 1:48:13 7:37 / Mile Long Brooks Glycerin 16