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Bannockburn Heights Steady State

January 5, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I drew up an awesome 10 mile route, but I decided to save it for tomorrow. Glad I did because I ran into Sahil on the canal! Great to see him and chat for a bit. Also ran into him again on Bannockburn. Got my steady done for the week.

How fit am I? Well, I started the steady about a half a mile in, and there were some pretty tough hills (with decent downhills too though). If I figure that warmup in, then I was probably going about 6 minute pace for nearly seven miles. I feel amazing. And it's only January. I'm itching to race--I've never been this fit before. Can't wait for more.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.4 Miles 46:27 6:16 / Mile Steady State Brooks Glycerin 16