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Couldn't Pet the Corgis :(

January 11, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran through the neighborhood behind GDS with a bigger group than usual which was very nice: Leah, Caroline, Lucia, Lyra, Lev, Lauren, and one other I think? We were supposed to incorporate some hills into our run which was fun because I haven't done any sort of hills in a while. My shins were kinda hurting during the day, but I really needed a run, so I decided to ignore them, and they were okay during. We paused a few times to let people catch up, but I gave effort on the hills and felt pretty good overall. We only did 3 because we accidentally did one that was longer and steeper than Lauren had said to. Felt like I could have done another few, but good to keep it lighter considering the state of my shins. Really nice run overall—it was cold, but felt so nice to be outside (and Ana, I tried to continue your what did you learn today game). Distance is a guess, did much winding.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.1 Miles 33:00 10:38 / Mile