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Snowy Delight

January 12, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Just as the flurries started coming, I set out for this week's long run. It was CCT to Bradley, Bradley all the way to Connecticut, from the circle, Oliver onto 39th, which I then took to Reno, Reno to Van Ness, Glover, cut to BK, all the way to Fletcher's (where the bathrooms were closed for the shutdown ugh), CCT home.

Last week's long run (which was about the same distance) was really tough for the final 1.5 miles. Today, I felt strong and unfazed by miles 11-14 being completely uphill on the CCT and Sangamore. I felt really strong at the end instead of dead like last week, AND I worked out yesterday so I'm pretty happy about that. On my way to my first back to back 60+ mileage weeks! This has been a great break of training. Only one week to go until I'm back with the goats!

All in all, this was a super fun run, and the snow made everything really pretty, especially on the trails. This is the type of run that really reminds me why I love doing this.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.1 Miles 1:50:52 7:51 / Mile Long Brooks Glycerin 16