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Crack an Egg on a Cow

January 15, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Did some of the 49th street loop with Lucia, Lyra, and Lauren, the Ls apparently. Good conversation. Felt tight, but enjoyed running in the snow. Dropped Lyra at school around 23 minutes because her knee was hurting and then extended to 30 with the other two.

I learned that today is the 100th anniversary of when a molasses tank ruptured in Boston pouring out a tsunami of molasses that moved at 35 mph and drowned 21 people. Lauren learned about SAD PEOPLE, a therapist acronym to determine if a patient needs to be hospitalized. Can't remember if Lucia or Lyra said something they learned. I like this game, Ana!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.1 Miles 30:00 9:40 / Mile