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Never Stop

February 7, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD RUN!!! Secret Leaf Hunting Grounds. Started off with Leah, Jenna, Lauren, Amanda, and Anthony—quite a concentration of coaches! Anthony and Leah turned back shortly after we turned onto 44th and Amanda went somewhere and I was just with Jenna and Lauren for a while. Then when the group ahead of us turned, Sophie Axelrod joined us and we ran to Julia Blount's parents' house again because Lauren adores them. And then we just kept running. I kept knowing I should probably turn around, but I didn't want to. It was such a perfect group and beautiful day and we were going slightly downhill so everything felt good. It was the kind of run where I just wanted to keep going and going forever. Except then we did turn around and there was a hill and it was noticeably harder, so I'm glad we didn't go forever the other way, but I still felt good even with the hill. Jenna told us about certain xc escapades and we played essence. My shins and knees are a bit sore now, but not too bad. Maybe I'll pay for this run tomorrow, but it was so worth it, and I'll do something short tomorrow. This is definitely the longest continuous run I've done mileage-wise in a long time! Feeling very happy!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles 43:00 9:33 / Mile