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February 9, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Got to the meet super early, warmed up and stretched with the team, and then had a couple hours until my race. Spent time hanging out, cheering, and trying to do english reading. Warmed up for my mile with Amelia and then Ana joined in for drills because she'd just done her first race, so didn't need to jog. Nice to get outside for a bit after breathing stuffy air for so long. I was super nervous leading up to this race which was interesting because I barely get nervous at all for xc races which I think I care a lot more about than winter track races, but I was worried that because I was seeded last there'd be nobody around my speed and I'd have to run 8 laps alone.

The race went off and I immediately fell in second from last which was good. Tailed the third from last girl for the first 2 laps I think because Anthony said to and then realized I wasn't working that hard and passed her. By then, though, the other 4 girls were in a clump probably 40 meters ahead. I spent the rest of the race running alone trying to catch them, but they were pushing each other and just continued to speed up in later laps. I think I pushed myself decently for being alone for 3/4 of the race, but I still think that I'm sometimes scared to work as hard as I could, and I don't really know how to get past that. I'm not sure whether it's about discomfort over drawing attention to myself for having a good race or that it's easier to be mad at myself for not working hard than be mad that I worked hard and just am slow. Either way, I need to think about it and fix it. Ran 11 seconds faster than I was seeded which doesn't mean much because the seed time was based on nothing, but I'm not unhappy with the time itself. Probably if I'd had people closer on the middle laps I could have broken 7 which would have been nice, but I have another season to to that and hopefully a good bit more. I think I'm in the best shape I've been in at the end of a winter season, and I'm excited for what the spring will bring, though I'm in denial that it'll be my last season on the team. :'( So many inspiring races today. Proud of the hoppers! :)

Ran 16 miles this week! That's a semi normal amount!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.29 Miles 21:09
0.8 Miles 8:00 9:59 / Mile Warmup  
1600.0 Meters 7:09 7:11 / Mile    
0.5 Miles 6:00 11:59 / Mile Cooldown