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A Podcast Adventure

February 18, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Was feeling really unmotivated to run because I so rarely have good runs alone. Asked Matt how he does it and he said podcasts and exploring new places. Usually my parents don't like me running with earbuds because being aware of surroundings yada yada, but I figured one earbud was fine. Set off with no route in mind exactly and just ran wherever I felt like which was very freeing. And because it's me and I have the worst sense of direction of anyone ever I quickly got turned around and didn't quite know where I was. Didn't let myself check my phone though and just ran until I recognized something. Made it more exciting and the podcast made it interesting, so Matt's suggestions worked! Felt pretty good too. Stopped a few times to stretch calves which were painfully tight as always, and the arch of my right foot was hurting by the end, but nothing too bad. I woke up feeling kinda sick this morning, but while I felt a bit congested, breathing fresh air felt good. It was windy, but warm enough that I had to take off my jacket halfway through. Really nice day and run, and proud of myself that I went for this long alone and enjoyed it! Not completely sure on distance—might have been longer because even mapping it, I'm not entirely sure where I went.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 42:00 10:29 / Mile