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Fast and Furious

February 24, 2019 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

So I haven't exercised for 6 days because I had a horrible cold/ probably fever (I didn't have a thermometer) which overlapped with being at HMC, so I felt too horrible and then had no time. HMC was really good though and I got to play the horrible Scott Walker and spout much hate which was fun. Got home late today and was really excited to run because I hadn't for so long and it was gorgeous weather, and also I needed to get some anger out. Set off wearing shorts (!) and thought I would be too cold because it was really windy, but I ended up being perfect! Just ran out and back to the cathedral on Wisconsin because it was already dark. Ran very fast, powered by emotions, felt good to get some out, pounding on the pavement in the dark and cold. Just happen to have run exactly the time of my 5k PR. Didn't quite run a 5k today, and stopped for lights, but I'm impressed with myself about how close it is.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.9 Miles 24:52 8:34 / Mile