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Waterfall plus

February 25, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

With Whamz, Rod, Oscar, and Nico for most of the run, linked up with Ryan and Steve at the end on the trail, then did strides outdoors with Rod. We took it pretty easy for like the first six miles or so, but then when we ran with Kronk on the trail we picked it up a lot and that felt nice. It was super windy throughout, especially during the strides and I felt like I was gonna get blown over, but the strides felt really good. Haven't done them in a while and need to get better at finishing runs with them. This week I hope to get over 60 miles.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles 1:12:01 7:34 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 16 2nd Pair