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First Spring Meet

March 12, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

This was such a good meet that I wasn't really expecting! Bussed to STA because Anthony wanted to protect my shins—probably smart. Had about 30 minutes between the team warmup and our warmup for the mile. I was feeling pretty bad on the warmup and was worried I would feel sick during the race too, but I didn't! The gun went off and I went out in dead last right next to Jenna as I usually do. Everyone went out really fast, so my first lap was still way faster than it should have been (1:25 I think), but I didn't want to go slower and lose the pack completely. After the first lap, Jenna and I started moving up and caught Hailey who we ran with for a lap and then we passed Jenna and Hailey and I moved up towards Tara who we also caught and ran with for another lap. I think I passed Tara at the end of the third lap, caught Sophie and ran half a lap with her and then passed her with my kick with 200 meters to go. Finished in 6:56 which I'm very happy with for my first race. I've been pretty injured the last 2 spring tracks so I haven't beaten my freshmen year mile PR of 6:41 yet. I don't think it would be that hard, but I've never been in shape enough during the spring to try, but I think this race bodes well for my season! Also, it was 11 seconds faster than a mile I ran during the winter, so that's exciting. Also just felt really good about my pacing. It was nice to get to run with so many hoppers at different points in the race! I still have trouble really knowing how much more I could give in a race. I felt in control but also like I was working hard and I'm not sure if feeling in control is a sign of being in shape or of not pushing hard enough. I'll figure it out though. Nice day overall, though it got soooo chilly at the end of the meet.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.69 Miles 20:56
0.5 Miles Warmup  
0.7 Miles 8:00 11:25 / Mile    
1600.0 Meters 6:56 6:58 / Mile    
0.5 Miles 6:00 11:59 / Mile Cooldown