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March 12, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

No, not the Civilian Conservation Corps or Chimney Corners Camp–ran on the Courtney Campbell Causeway here in Tampa which basically connects the city of Tampa to St. Petersburg and Clearwater. It's super windy out there, but once you get out to the middle, it's really a great view of the Tampa area and you're right in the middle of the bay and it's super cool. I did a 20 minute tempo during the middle of this run and it was fine. Running here is going to be kind of difficult since there aren 't a lot of options. Near the end of this run a guy shouted out to me: "HEY! FRANKIE!" I told him I wasn't Frankie. He said, "you really look smack like my buddy Frankie." I felt bad to disappoint him, but unfortunately, I am not his friend Frankie.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.1 Miles 1:07:47 7:26 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 16 2nd Pair