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March 14, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Had another fun interaction on the CCC today–a guy with an English accent asked me if there were any "shops" around which obviously there weren't because we were standing in the middle of the bay on the causeway. I told him I wasn't from around here, and he was like "ok but I need to find a UK plug-in for my car phone." I had no idea what to tell him so I just shrugged and said sorry I'm not from here again and kept running. Then I wondered for the rest of the run why the heck he thought there would be "shops" in the middle of the bay. Anyways it was a nice-ish run, still felt kinda sluggish, but definitely more energetic than yesterday's short run.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.1 Miles 1:12:47 7:59 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 16 2nd Pair