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3 x alumni, 6 x 200

March 18, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Great workout today with Whamz, Oscar, Nathan, and WillHill. The alumnis were pretty good–felt relaxed for the most part and felt pretty strong. The 200s I felt more tired but I got through them okay. Was able to get up on my toes on the last few which was nice. This workout makes me really excited for what's to come! I did my new workout plan from Leah today with Rod. I'm writing the exercises below. We only did two sets instead of three because we were pretty short on time after the workout. It will probably leave me feeling kinda sore tomorrow but I know it'll be well worth it in the end.

Splits for the alumnis were 6:02, 5:52, and 5:54. Hit 35 and 34 on all the 200s.

A Day:

1. Clamshells w/ band
2. Banded hip ups
3. Banded side step shuffles
4. Kettle ball RDL
5. Overhead press
6. TRX rows
7. Toes to L
8. Bosu ball goblet squats

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:07:00 7:26 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 16 2nd Pair