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Bellingham - Chuckanut Drive O&B

March 17, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: sunny, mid-30s, chilly but awesome

Slept in fairly good. It was cool to wake up to the sounds of seagulls – not something you’d think you’d necessarily hear in Bellingham. Around 8:30, with CA still asleep, I decided I’d get up and go ride. She awoke as I was assembling my stuff, and while I rode, she did a short run.

I thought about exploring the northwest side of town, but instead I rode back south along Chuckanut Drive. SUPER nice morning: cold (mid-30s), but dry and pure sun. Felt remarkably good, too!

Rode about 20 mostly flat miles in 80min.

* packed up

* brunch at this great cider place nearby. Bellingham is really great, and alluring as a new home. No doubt.

* headed south

* made it to suburban Portland just in time to go visit Josh Jaqua, Nate’s older brother. I’ve known Josh for the past year+, and after struggling for a long time with alcoholism, admitted himself to Hazelden. CA and I visited with him while his (now ex-, due to alcohol) wife and kids were also there to visit. At about 10 days in, he looked good, but I think there’s still a lot of work to do.

Got home around 7:30. Pretty great trip!

Hip was fairly stiff today, and achy at the crease on the drive home.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
20.0 Miles 1:20:00 3:59 / Mile   Topo FlyLyte - Blue