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12.5 Laps

March 21, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Tom told us that we had a workout today, but didn't tell us what is was going to be until we were spiked up on the starting line. It was pouring rain, and I felt like garbage on the warmup–I hadn't eaten since 11 and I was feeling pretty out of whack from going to bed late and sleeping in. When we got to the line, Tom told us "12 and a half laps." I was a little scared to be honest since I was feeling so crappy but I just tried to forget about it.

I ended up losing Nathan pretty early and then passed Oscar and WillHill, and so I ended up pretty much alone. That's pretty much how I raced in high school, alone, but I need to get better at hanging on and using my teammates around me. I totally could have stayed with Nathan.

Splits were pretty good: 5:39, 5:40, and then (without the 200 in between the 3200 and 3400) 5:23ish is my estimate. So I kicked well somehow in a 5k which I don't think I've ever done before. I weirdly felt better afterwards, even though by the end I was soaking wet. It was a good effort and I got the huge 5k PR that's been evading me for so long–by 37 whole seconds. I really liked not knowing what we were doing until the last second. Maybe doing that for actual races will help me this season. Makes me so excited to race this season, and now my sub-17 goal seems closer in reach than ever.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.11 Miles 1:04:43
3.0 Miles 23:10 7:43 / Mile Warmup Brooks Glycerin 16 2nd Pair
5.0 Kilometers 17:18 5:34 / Mile    
3.0 Miles 24:15 8:05 / Mile Cooldown Brooks Glycerin 16 2nd Pair