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Upton Rd

April 13, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Made it into lab for some reason, digested before running. Weather was perfect, little overcast, breeze, felt the humidity rising. Got a good sweat in. Ran out to the north exit and back and came around the reactors on the way back to add on a little bit. Felt ok, shoes a little stiff but I tried to push it, focus on the stride. Did my best to avoid all the wildlife. The geese and turkeys are acting very aggressive now that the weather is warming up.

Essentials: Stretch

Did a set of striders along the ring first as I finished up, then took the time to stretch out in the parking lot. Striders also felt a little bit sluggish. Nothing tight or sore though. Mileage took a hit this week, probably will also in the upcoming weeks. Good luck to all Boston Marathoners heading into town today. Just dawned on me I wont be around to see it this year. Thankful for the past 5 trips into see the race though.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles 33:00 7:19 / Mile Training Brooks Ghost 11