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Sacred leaf hunting and Glover w/ Jackson

June 19, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Met up for our Wednesday morning run from GDS. This is the fifth one we've done, and it's crazy seeing that construction every week on the LMS and how much it changes even just over the course of a week. Anyways, we headed out to the sacred leaf hunting grounds (although there were sadly no leaves on this muggy June morning) and then continued into Glover. Remembered that little access trail there from last summer where Anthony took us (I think me, Jack, and Jackson) on a circuitous route after crossing those annoying barriers at the end of Glover when the creek was overflown and Glover was virtually impassable. Anyways, we went down to the end of Glover (the annoying barriers are still up) which was pretty muddy from last night's storm, turned around, and went all the way up to Mass Ave. We then did the end of the 49th Street loop and extended with a loop through Friendship Heights. Felt crummy really until we got off of Glover, but felt pretty decent on the rest, although a bit sluggish. Good conversation and excited for our run next week now. Talked with Woodhouse on the phone yesterday and he told me that maybe I should only run like 65 instead of 70 this week, which might be a good idea considering how I've felt the last couple of days. I'll play it by ear. Hopefully my tightness goes away with the extra amount of rolling I did afterwards. Core and stretching as well. Sorry for such a long log today I have nothing better to do right now

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 1:23:50 8:23 / Mile   New Balance 1080