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Foxhall loop

June 20, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Felt like making up a route today so naturally, I started out the way I start out every run: back way to the Capital Crescent Trail. Was actually planning on just doing a quasi down and back by getting off at Fletcher's and taking MacArthur back, but for some reason I got off at Sibley and kept running towards downtown on MacArthur. Remembered that there was a super challenging hill at Dana Place that turns into an alley, so I ran that which spits you out onto University Terrace and then onto the top of Loughboro. Thought about running towards Bethesda on Wisconsin and taking the CCT back home that way, but though better of it and went down Foxhall to Whitehaven. That took me to MacArthur and Reservoir Rd so I took Reservoir down to Fletcher's at the canal/CCT and took the CCT back home the way I came. In reality, this was some sort of weirdly shaped lolipop, and it kinda looks like a pipe or a watering can on the map though when you look at it (here's the link for reference, enjoy: Felt really good for the first time this week. Did core and strength and stretching afterwards. Had scrambled five eggs and some bread and two big glasses of milk afterwards. Yum

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.2 Miles 1:20:18 7:52 / Mile   New Balance 1080