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June 21, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran up the CCT to Bethesda, got on Bradley to Connecticut, onto Western from circle to circle, and then back home on Mass. It was super windy but probably the nicest weather for a 9am run I've had this entire summer so far–about 70 degrees and partly cloudy. With two days to go this week, I'm definitely on pace to be able to run 70 miles... however, I still haven't decided if that's what I want to do after talking to Woodhouse. I could close the week with a couple of seven mile runs or a couple of eight mile runs but then I would feel like I front loaded the mileage this week. I guess I'll just see how I feel. Plus, I'm running with Chris on Sunday and I'm sure we'll do more than 8, so maybe I'll do a shorter run tomorrow. We'll see I guess. Core, stretch, and roll afterwards.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.2 Miles 1:10:00 7:36 / Mile   New Balance 1080