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All-Comer Meet #1: mile, 400, 1500, 4x150

June 27, 2019 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: rain, then nice

Drove up to the meet in pissing rain. Annoying! These are supposed to be warm and nice!

Pretty heavy and tired this afternoon. CA came along; her calf is better, so she gave it a go for at tempo+ "Jogger's Mile" -- my first event.

DId about two miles warm up, then some quick drills and strides.

* had about 25 people in it, including a big crew of Junction City kids (who, as it turns out, were literally jogging it)

The plan was to run medium-hard -more like an interval. At the gun I got out behind a JC kid...running in socks! He ran maybe an 82-second 409m, then faded - and STOPPED - at 600m. I went around him at 500m, then ran my own effort.

It didn't feel easy, but wasn't terribly hard. Splits:

409: 82
800: 2:42
1200: 3:25?
mile: 5:22 (closed in 77)

After that, CA and jogged a bit, as we didn't have a ton of time before the 400m! (20min?)

* nine runners in eight lanes, "kids and old men": 6 kids ranging fromm 12-16, then two other guys in their 50s. I took lane 2.

Race was pretty ideal: No one got out super-hard. I got out decent, REALLY trying to stay hip-hinged and forward. What I didn't do so well in the mile was avoiding that excessive arch. Didn't do great here, either.

Not sure what the half split was, but at the turn, I felt pretty good and I was remotely close to the lead! But by hurt! One kid in lane 7 passed me, and I wound up in 4th


After the 4? FIVE MINUTES rest, tops. I had to yell to CA to get my registration sticker, as I didn't even have time to jog and get it. It was the event right after the 400m!


SMALL field in the 1500! At first there were only about four of us, then a couple straggler kids showed up. I was the oldest by far; there was a seemingly fast looking 23 year old guy there, but otherwise "kids and old men", again.

At this point, I knew it was going to hurt and I was just having fun. I gave this kid (maybe 8th grade) a fist bump before the start. Then we were off!

The race got out SURPRISINGLY FAST. I got my ass dropped by the 23 yo, as well as a younger HS girl...then I saw the clock at 300m: He'd gone out in maybe 52 or 53, and she was maybe 55! I ran 58.

We were maybe 78 or 79 at the lap, and the girl immediately faded. The guy was about 100m up by then. I passed her and kept some visual contact on the guy.

...but it was hard. I was HEAVY. I decided that I'd simply try to keep my posture and my turnover...rather than hyperfocus on pawback, feet, etc, etc. (Likely a mistake in retrospect), but that kept me going.

Hit the 800m in a pretty abysmal 2:42 - about the same as the mile! - feeling so-so. The guy, however, was fading back to me! With 600m to go, I thought I could get him, but suddenly I felt almost a panicky asthma! SUPER-hard to braethe! (This also happened to a lesser degree in the mile). I had to back off for 50m in the penultimate homestretch to get my shit together...and that cost me. Hit the bell lap still well behind.

I pushed pretty hard, then took it up another gear in the 200m to go - the FIRST time in a long time that I've felt competitive and able to push at the end of the race -- what used to be my trademark. I pulled to within about 3s of him, and barely got under 5:00!


Post-race: jogged a couple laps, then decided I'd round out the day with 4x 150m. This time I tried to put it all together:

* posture
* hip drive
* pawback (FLICK forward and pull - something I did NOT do during the races)

Fun day. Really glad I did it. The speeds are abysmal, but you have to start somewhere! I will try to replicate this day in about three weeks and see where I'm at.

* to Wheel Apizza Pub for pizza and beer
* watched my race vids: yeesh. One thing I'm NOT doing -- "Salazar Stride". WAY Too much shit going on in front of my body. Gotta get the leg beneath and behind my body!!!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.5 Miles   Topo FlyLyte - Blue