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Mt. Pisgah ups and downs + quick mile w/CA

July 16, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 60s, HUMID

Slept in again, then did a TON of self-care before this run: hip stretching, back stuff, more nerve tension stretching, on top of lower leg and foot soft tissue work. FINALLY left the house at 8.

We needed hills, but:

* we don't think Baldy is specific enough for Waldo (too short)
* I didn't want to drive out and back to Hardesty

So Pisgah (1100' over 1.5 miles?) is a decent compromise. It's probably a 12-minute drive away.

We parked on the north end, and did 2ish miles warm-up before launching up the "Trail 1" main climb.

CA shot out hard and dragged me along the entire way. Clearly this wasn't "100K pace", but it was a worthwhile strong effort.

Summited in 16:xx, which got her the Strava QOM (no small feat). I'm still about 3min off the best.

After that, we meandered down the backside Trail 2, which is a much more mellow descent. We then looped clockwise to Trail 6 to go hard again.

Trail 6 is rolling grindy before steeply pitching. It was good for early tempo, then practicing "shitty Maiden": that steep pitch that's so goddamn steep it's difficult just to hike! I did a lot of hands-on-thighs, and pulled away from CA.

The whole Trail 6 to the summit took about 21:xx for just under 2 miles, but it also climbed maybe 1300' or more. Solid double-Baldy!

After that, we clunked down Trail 1 (9:54 - solid). And from there....the dreaded flat-fast mile!

I was pretty tired and stiff, but I still managed a 6:06, back to the van.

Good workout, but dang, this training takes SO much TIME! Barely studied in the AM before my afternoon clients.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles   PI Navy-Orange N2s