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CC Circle and back

July 21, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran after work (our game got cancelled because of lightning, but when I got home around 9:30 pm, the weather was fine). Wasn't feeling very creative so I ran Mass to Western, turning back at Chevy Chase Circle. Felt really good–maybe because it was like 75 degrees! Gotta run more at night, especially when it's as hot as it has been. Didn't hit 70 this week, but that's cool since it was so damn hot and stuff. As good as I felt tonight, I don't feel like I'm running as well as I could be. I'm definitely in good shape right now, it's just that my stride feels kinda off. I guess time will help iron that out. Soleus area/Achilles(?) is still bothering me a bit.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles 57:55 7:14 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 17