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STA tempo

July 22, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Went over to STA, found out they were doing a workout, and hopped in with the top boys group to lead with Simonson. Ended up just being us and Corbin on the way back, but it was enjoyable company. Felt good to push the pace for the first time really since April/May. It was only about two and a half miles of tempo, but felt good the whole way, never really even started breathing hard. We were probably doing about six minute pace on average, but dipped down to 5:30 for a bit and probably went no slower than around 6:15. Good strong effort by Corbin at the end to stick with us. Once we got back to St. Albans, I turned around to look for Ethan Litmans, but we missed each other. I'm estimating mileage and time since my watch ran out of battery during the run :( Did a couple strides after which felt good–soleus area is stiff and sore, but doesn't hurt.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.5 Miles 58:30 6:52 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 17