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I didn't ask you!

July 29, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Haven't run with Berenson in ages so this was awesome. Went with his STA fartlek group (Litty and an STA kid named Nick I think). I believe we did (not in this order) a 2:00 pickup, 2x90 sec, 2x60 sec, and 2x30 sec. Those were at their 5k pace, but probably ranged from low to high five minute pace depending on how long the pickup was. Afterwards, to make this my hard day for the week, I conned Simonson into doing a mile at my 5k pace. We did that mile in a lap around the close, and drew it up to have a net elevation gain so it was actually decently challenging. Felt okay on that, but I'm glad I got this hard day in on my last day here at the Cathedral this summer. Body feels good, most of those little nagging things are completely gone. Heat was pretty bad during this, but I'm pretty used to it at this point. Did six shorter strides afterwards and stretched.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.1 Miles 53:17 7:30 / Mile   Brooks Glycerin 17